AA Agnostica: A space for AA agnostics, atheists and freethinkers worldwide.
Alcoholics Anonymous: The home page for AA worldwide
Secular AA in Canada: A Facebook community for atheist, agnostics, freethinkers, humanists, et al. who are part of the Secular AA community in Canada - and our friends around the world and throughout AA.​
AA Beyond Belief: A Secular AA web community and resource including recovery stories, addiction news, information and research. They also produce a podcast featuring personal stories, interviews with authors, experts in addiction medicine, and discussions about the secular approach to steps, traditions and service work.
Books & Articles

AA Toronto Agnostics
7TH Tradition Contributions
The Seventh Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous states: “Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”
Your 7th Tradition contributions help us to pay for meeting rent and administrative expenses, including the technology required to run online meetings during COVID-19 closures. Once the AA Toronto Agnostics group meetings resume, you'll be able to make your 7th Tradition contributions at a meeting. For now, there are two ways to make a 7th Tradition contribution online:
Via the Beyond Belief Paypal page
Send an e-transfer to: beyondbelieftoronto@gmail.com