AA Agnostica: A space for AA agnostics, atheists and freethinkers worldwide.
Alcoholics Anonymous: The home page for AA worldwide
Secular AA in Canada: A Facebook community for atheist, agnostics, freethinkers, humanists, et al. who are part of the Secular AA community in Canada - and our friends around the world and throughout AA.​
AA Beyond Belief: A Secular AA web community and resource including recovery stories, addiction news, information and research. They also produce a podcast featuring personal stories, interviews with authors, experts in addiction medicine, and discussions about the secular approach to steps, traditions and service work.
Books & Articles

Recovery Resources for Agnostics, Atheists & Freethinkers
We have compiled a list of helpful resources to assist you on your path to recovery from alcoholism and/or addiction (aka SUD-Substance Use Disorders). We've included a variety of resources for your information, including alternatives to 12-Step programs.
Recovery Support Meetings
Below you will find several organizations that offer recovery meetings to help you build a support system that works for you.
AA & 12 Step Recovery
Toronto AA Meeting List: Many secular members of AA also attend traditional Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. This is a comprehensive list of all Toronto Alcoholics Anonymous meetings approved by the Greater Toronto A.A. Intergroup.
Online Agnostic AA Meetings Worldwide: A comprehensive list of other agnostic meetings worldwide offered on Zoom.
Global Secular Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meetings: A comprehensive list of secular NA meetings.
Al-Anon International Family Groups: Meetings for family and friends of those suffering from alcoholism.
Other Programs​
LifeRing: Secular self-help groups for those who identify with problematic substance use emphasizing personal responsibility; self-empowerment; peer-support. Principles and practices founded on evolving research.
Recovery Dharma: This is a mutual support recovery program utilizing Buddhist practices and principles to heal the suffering of addiction.
SMART Recovery: Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) offers mutual support meetings open to anyone seeking science-based, self-empowered addiction recovery.
Stoic Recovery From Addiction: Recovery based on Stoic Philosophy & principles
Women For Sobriety (WFS): Using the "New Life Program," WFS is for women seeking sobriety from addiction.
Online Recovery Communities
AA Agnostica: A space for AA agnostics, atheists and freethinkers worldwide.
Alcoholics Anonymous: The home page for AA Worldwide.
Secular AA in Canada: A Facebook community for atheists, agnostics, freethinkers, humanists, et al. who are part of the Secular AA community in Canada - and our friends around the world and throughout AA.
AA Beyond Belief: A Secular AA web community and resource including recovery stories, addiction news, information and research. They also produce a podcast featuring personal stories, interviews with authors, experts in addiction medicine, and discussions about the secular approach to steps, traditions and service work.
Recovery Podcasts, Events & Conferences
Higher Palooza (Monthly online speaker event - LIVE & past recordings